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Coconut Oil, should I eat it or apply to my face & skin?

Coconut oil has gained significant popularity in recent years, attributed to numerous claimed health benefits, including reducing abdominal fat, enhancing the immune system, preventing heart disease, mitigating dementia, and addressing dry skin and other dermatological concerns.

Compounding the confusion, you may have also encountered headlines labeling coconut oil as "pure poison," suggesting it should be completely avoided. In light of these conflicting statements, a significant question for both the public and scientific communities is whether coconut oil can be part of a healthy diet and skincare regimen.

Bad Fats, Good Fats

Coconut oil primarily comprises saturated fat, with 80% to 90% of its fat content being saturated, which causes it to remain solid at room temperature. Other sources of saturated fat include animal products such as meat and dairy, including butter and margarine, as well as other plant-based tropical oils like palm oil. The consumption of saturated fat has been long associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to its potential to elevate harmful LDL cholesterol levels.

In contrast, unsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature and offer various cardiovascular benefits, such as improving blood cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation. Unsaturated fats are mainly found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and fish.

Guidelines advise limiting the type of fat found in coconut oil

The current Dietary Guidelines advise limiting saturated fat intake to no more than 10% of total caloric consumption. Additionally, last year, the American Heart Association (AHA) issued a scientific advisory statement recommending the substitution of saturated fats, including coconut oil, with unsaturated fats. In their statement, the AHA referenced a review of seven randomized controlled trials, which demonstrated that coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol levels.

Numerous health claims regarding coconut oil are based on studies utilizing a specialized formulation consisting of 100% medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs—researchers have yet to provide definitive evidence). This formulation is not the type of coconut oil typically found in supermarkets. MCTs possess a shorter chemical structure compared to other fats and are rapidly absorbed and metabolized by the body, which is believed to enhance satiety and reduce fat storage.

However, the coconut oil commonly available in supermarkets primarily contains lauric acid, which is absorbed and metabolized more slowly than MCTs. Consequently, the health benefits associated with specially formulated MCT coconut oil do not apply to standard coconut oil.

Coconut oil: neither superfood nor poison

Current evidence suggests that coconut oil is neither a superfood nor a harmful substance. Instead, its dietary role is moderate. Coconut oil offers a distinct flavor and is best used sparingly as an occasional substitute for other vegetable oils, such as olive or canola oil, which are high in unsaturated fats. This choice should be integrated into a balanced dietary pattern and adhere to the recommended guidelines for saturated fat consumption.

Clogged pores

Coconut oil is comedogenic, which means it has the potential to clog pores and cause breakouts, whiteheads, blackheads, and acne when applied directly to the skin and face.

Other potential skin issues include:


Coconut oil can cause milia, which are tiny white or yellow bumps that appear on the skin's surface. This is more likely to happen on thinner skin, like under the eyes. 


Coconut oil can potentially cause an infection known as folliculitis. This is especially true for people with oily or acne-prone skin.

Allergic reaction

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to coconut oil, known as allergic contact dermatitis.

While not everyone may experience these reactions, why risk it? Addressing such issues may require more effort, additional products, and potentially harmful prescriptions or services for removal.

I advise my customers and clients that applying any oil directly to the skin can lead to similar effects. If you prefer a particular oil, mix a few drops (that's all you need) into a lotion or cream before applying it to the skin. This approach allows the oils to penetrate deeper into the dermal layer rather than merely sitting in your pores. Ensure the lotion or cream does not already contain the oil you desire. In my experience, there are many superior oils with greater benefits for healthy skin than coconut oil. Rely on what truly works rather than trends promoted by companies and social media influencers aiming to sell you unnecessary products.

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